2021 is the year of my father’s centennial, what would have been his 100th birthday. In celebration and appreciation of his legacy, Roddenberry will be launching a year-long campaign with a variety of initiatives that we hope you will find exciting and engaging. 2021 represents a chance for us all to be better, to act kinder, to be more inclusive, and to basically Think Trek.
— Rod Roddenberry
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Filmmakers, actors, notable fans and more will be sharing 100 of Gene Roddenberry’s most impactful quotes over the course of the 100 days leading up to his 100th birthday on August 19, 2021. Posted daily to Twitter, Faceboook and Instagram.

Quoting Gene Roddenberry is a limited podcast series, hosted by actress Rachel True and producer Trent Vanegas. The podcast includes short form episodes, released daily, corresponding with the Gene Roddenberry video quote of the day. Each episode begins with an audio reading of the day’s quote from the video campaign, followed by a lively discussion between our hosts and that week’s guest host. The conversation is an invigorating deep dive into the meaning, history, ethos and impact of Gene’s words

“Alexa, play the Roddenberry daily quote.”
It’s fitting that we have one of today’s technologies reminiscent of the Starship Computer join in the celebration. If you have an Alexa device, ask it for today’s quote!

To celebrate the incredible ideas behind Star Trek that made it so special, we are featuring brick builds which replicate iconic moments from the series. For our first piece we remember the revolutionary, interracial kiss between Lieutenant Uhura and Captain Kirk:

Where do you see Star Trek in your everyday life? Share your photos on social media and tag them #thinkTREK #seeTREK.

Do you know of a story or principle of goodness that holds up to the values embraced by Star Trek? Share these stories and concepts on social media and tag them #thinkTREK #beTREK. This is what it means to be Trek: